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The BLOC is the “anti-mall” branding of the redesigned Macy’ in downtown Los Angeles.  The Metro to BLOC passageway mark the first time in LA that a metro facility was connected to a private development.  The passage way connects riders in Metro’s 7th Street Station directly to the shops and restaurants of the of the BLOC complex.  Only about 25 feet apart, the station and the BLOC were meant to be connected.  Cefali helped to determine how that connection was made.  The active roadway and public stairway above must remain undisturbed.  A system of beams and columns were designed to be installed as the excavation from the BLOC progressed to the station.  Prior to knocking out the wall, a grout tubing system was installed, improving the ground conditions to prevent caving.  The process was slow with confined spaces and access restrictions.  Fumes negated the use of welding.  Low overhead meant multiple splices, in beams and columns which were all bolted together.  This system also had to stay clear of the permanent concrete passage that was poured for the final conditions.  Today, just a few seconds walking takes you from one side to the other, but it much coordination and hard work on the part of the contractor, Malcolm Drilling, to get the space opened up.

Cefali & Associates, Inc. Consulting Structural Engineers, Los Angles, CA © 2020. All Rights Reserved

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